Sales letter to persuade customer to reconsider no buy decision


A customer who has decided not to buy may be persuaded with additional information. This letter template provides compelling reasons for the customer to change their mind.

March 7, 2014
Dear :
I’m disappointed that your committee decided not to co-sponsor a test advertisement in your alumni journal for our line of exclusive glassware. Our research shows that glassware with college logos is displayed prominently in alumni homes and offices. And, of course, glassware promotions can add substantial profits to your alumni fund.
Perhaps some of the statistics were omitted during your deliberations. School of Fine Art, for example, generated over $18,000 in glassware profits this year...and they have a much smaller alumni association than you do. Graphic Design Institute kicked off a library fund drive with the nearly $9,000 in profits they generated.
I’m going to put together an additional report, hopeful that you’ll resubmit it to the committee. Everything points to a successful collaboration and considerably more dollars than any of your current programs are delivering.
I appreciate your support. You have much to gain by reconsidering this concept.


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Related : Sales letter to persuade customer to reconsider no buy decision